by MarketSmart | Jul 29, 2022
I became a dog walker in 2003. One day a sweet pit mix named Rudy was being walked by another volunteer. That volunteer came running over saying Rudy had backed out if his collar & to tell one of the staff. I quickly ran inside to let them know & within...
by MarketSmart | Jun 23, 2022
I first became familiar with Lollypop in college when a friend adopted a cat. It was a few years before I had another run in with the organization. That happened while I was teaching and a humane enforcement officer came to speak with the students. At that point I...
by MarketSmart | Jun 17, 2022
People can always get Help, Animals can’t. Do What you can for them. Saw Lollypop on tv, I give to Az.Humane too.
by MarketSmart | Jun 9, 2022
On Mother’s Day 1994 we adopted a repeat offender. Adopting a family dog was to be my Mother’s Day present. As my husband, 6 and 8 year old sons, and I entered Lollipop Farm we were greeted by a volunteer sitting with a large, black, handsome 18-month old dog sporting...
by MarketSmart | Jun 9, 2022
I adopted Lexi after I lost my cat Spencer On Easter Sunday 4/21/19. I was heartbroken. By October I was ready for another cat. I went to Lollypop where I met 2 cats that both had health issues. The 3rd one was Lexi. She immediately ran to my friend meowing & then...