Like so many in our community my four legged family members – 5 cats over the years – have all come for Lollypop Farm!

They give so much love and purpose to my life. From hunting mice and bugs, to cuddling, to doing Facebook lives with me for my businesses and so much more, their contribution to my life is immeasurable. I do not really consider that I have given them a home, I only think of what they bring to me. My heart is full for the care Lollypop gave them if only for a few days or weeks before I had them.

This love for pets recently inspired me to launch a new business last fall, all about celebrating our relationships with out pets, “Posh Paws Jewelry”.

From the start I decided that giving back to Lollypop Farm would be part of that product line! We’re just starting out but, with time, hope to be able to contribute heartily to Lollypop Farm’s wonderful work – especially the work they do to help difficult or hard to place animals.

Thank You Lollypop for all the love you have brought into my life and all the work you do for animals in our community! I hope the world will reach a point where there are not so many distressed animals but until then I am grateful for the wonderful people there doing the hard work to help these creatures.

I know that I might myself have a difficult time facing the situations you see there so it makes me even more thankful and eager to help as much as I can!